I have just upgraded Citrix Receiver from version 3.0 to 3.1 and I found it only allows connections to HTTPS addresses, currently I am working on test servers so adding a certificate seemed a bit over the top. When trying to connect to a HTTP address I would get the message “The account URL must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection”
There does not seem to be a way to allow HTTP in the GUI or via a policy but it can be done in the registry.
- Open Regedit
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Dazzle on a 32-bit machine or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\Dazzle on a 64-bit machine
- Under Dazzle modify the data of AllowAddStore to be A
- Exit Citrix Receiver and restart it.
Thanks for this tip. We have a customer with a RADIUS token system and Secure Gateway (not using Access Gateway) and we removed the services (PNAgent) external site to prevent Receiver clients bypassing the OTP request. By allowing HTTP, local users can now use the Receiver 🙂
great post thanks
I tried to follow your steps but in my ZenApp 6.5, I can’t find this “AuthManager” in registry. XenApp 6.5 is running on 2008 r2 64bit server. Any idea?
Citrix’s official resolution:
Hi there this works, great help. somehow citrix receiver can’t connect to the server, although I can use the web interface. Do you have any ideas for that one?
thanks to share this tips.
it worked for me…thanks a lot…..cheers..
Phil, looks like you beat Citrix by 12 days. Great work, appreciate it.