List Linux users via the shell
If you have a need to find the user accounts present on a Linux computer via the shell the below command should help. This will list all users on the computer that have a home directory, you could also run the …
If you have a need to find the user accounts present on a Linux computer via the shell the below command should help. This will list all users on the computer that have a home directory, you could also run the …
To find the version of SUSE or openSUSE and the service pack / patch level installed via the shell run the command; cat /etc/SuSE-release You should get an output like the below; SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64) VERSION = 11 …
Changing the time zone on CentOs from the shell You can enter the command date to view the current time zone To change the time zone you need to create a link from the appropriate location under “/usr/share/zoneinfo/..” to “/etc/localtime” For …