Here is a very useful VBS function; I use it a lot in logon scripts.
The function will return True or False depending on if the current user running the script is a member of the AD group passed to the function.
To get the function working you will need to replace domain_name_here in the function with you active directory domain name
This particular script will not work with nested groups.
Example Usage:
If memberOf("GroupName") then
'*** Do some stuff ***
End If
The Function:
Function memberOf(groupName)
set oNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://domain_name_here/" & oNet.UserName & ",user")
' Enurmerate Groups for the user
for each oGroup in oUser.Groups
if ucase(oGroup.Name) = ucase(groupName) then
memberOf = true
exit for
end if
set oUser = nothing
set oGroup = nothing
set onet = nothing
End function