Problem – Backup Exec RALUS Agent for Linux – Failure to browse [Root]
Recently I installed the Backup Exec Agent for Linux (RALUS) on to a couple of SLES servers. The installation went fine with no errors, but when trying to create backup jobs I was getting some kind of permissions issue “Failure to browse [ROOT]”
After some digging I found there was a .gvfs folder under a users home folder that root did not have permissions to.
When I ran the command find / -name beremote while logged on via SSH as root I was getting the below permissions denied message.
I found a few other webpages with people having permission issues with .gvfs such as;
The solution that worked for me was to run the below commands;
umount /home/<useraccount>/.gvfs find . -inum 554009 -exec rm{} \; rm -rf .gvfs
After that backup exec was able to browse the server and the credentials tested find.
UPDATE: After patching the server at a latter date I had to re-apply the fix
This work for me on ubuntu 12.04lts – BE 15 Fp1. Thanks alot for solution
Do an investigation for find the gvfs directory. I hadn’t the gvfs directory in the /home/user. The command find -inum … give it to me a light where the gvfs was. The umount is necessary
OMG this works for me too. . It was driving me nuts. I Googled every where and I stumped on this one. We still on Kernel 2.6.24..Yes is old, but we have to keep this kernel.. Any newer that our BE 2012 wont work. Thank you!
I am glad the post helped.
The installation utility will ask for the Media Server IP address or Hostname to display the remote agent as a selection in the media server s backup selection tree as shown in Figure 10 below.
This issue is caused by GVFSD using its FUSE module to map GVFS mounted filesystems to the .gvfs folder. This lets older programs access the mount if they cant talk to gvfs.
To disable this permanantly the man page states that exporting an environment variable will disable it:
Reboot the system.
However getting GVFSD to notice this is difficult as it is started in a Gnome way that is almost undocumented.
Solved this permantanly on all Debian systems with:
apt-get purge gvfs-fuse
This solved it for me on Ubuntu 16.04, although the reboots weren’t required. Thanks!
Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!