I have a Citrix farm and have written the below PowerShell script to automatically reboot the servers when there are no active connections.
The script would need to be scheduled to run on a Citrix server with the XenApp PowerShell SDK installed https://www.citrix.com/downloads/xenapp/sdks/powershell-sdk.html
I have setup a scheduled task than runs every hour during none business hours.
EXCLUDESERVERS | A comma separated list of Citrix servers to exclude from the reboot routine. |
REBOOTTHRESHOLD | How many days of uptime before a server should be considered for a reboot. |
MAXACTIVESESSIONAGE | The maximum time in hours a session is allowed to be active. Any users with an active session over this time will get a 5 min warning and a message before the server reboots. |
The Script
Add-PSSnapin "Citrix.XenApp.Commands"
$Global:EXCLUDESERVERS = "CTX-MANAGE-01" #Define which Citrix servers should be excluded from processing. Comma seperated list, short names only, case insensitive (for example "CORPCTX01,CORPCTX02,CORPCTX05")
[int]$Global:REBOOTTHRESHOLD = "1" # Process the server for reboot if it has been up longer than this number of days
[int]$Global:MAXACTIVESESSIONAGE = "15" #Max age for an active session in hours
$Global:EventLog = New-Object -type System.Diagnostics.Eventlog -argumentlist Application # Creates a global object for logging to the Application event log
$Global:EventLog.Source = "Citrix Reboot Script" # All event logs will be entered with the source of Citrix Reboot Script
$infiniteLoop = $true #DO NOT CHANGE Create an infinite loop variable
#Check to see if the server is online by checking its Citrix load
function ServerOnline {
$server = "$args" # Create a variable named server from the first passed variable
$serverload = @(get-xaserverload | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $server}) # Create a query to validate the server is online before proceeding
foreach ($result in $serverload){
return $true
#The reboot function
function StartReboot {
$server = "$args" # Create a variable named server from the first passed variable
Invoke-Expression "Shutdown.exe /m $server /r /t 300 /f /c ""A auto reboot is about to run please save your work and logoff.""" # Initiate shutdown on remote server
#Wait for the server to come up and have a load under 5000 before processing the next server
do {
$rebooted = $false # Reset variable back to false before checking for reboot
start-sleep -s 360 # Wait for 360 seconds between checking for reboot completion
$serverload = @(get-xaserverload | Where {$_.Load -lt "5000"} | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $server}) # Create a query to validate the server is online and load evaluator has reset less than 5000 before proceeding
foreach ($result in $serverload){
$rebooted = $true # Server has rebooted and the load evaluator is less than 5000, proceed to next server
$EventLog.WriteEntry($server + " rebooted properly, load rebalanced. Proceeding with subsequent servers.","Information","811")
} while ($rebooted -eq $false) # Loop until the server has completed its reboot and load evaluator has returned to idle state
$excludedservers = $GLOBAL:EXCLUDESERVERS.Split(',')
$farmservers = get-xaserver | sort-object -property ServerName # Create an array with all servers sorted alphabetically
foreach ($farmserver in $farmservers){
#Work out now minus $MAXACTIVESESSIONAGE
$time2 = Get-Date -Format "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm"
$time1 = Get-Date
$tminus_maxactive = $time1.addhours(-$MAXACTIVESESSIONAGE)
#Get the current server name
$server = $farmserver.ServerName
#If the server is not in the exclude list
if ($excludedservers -notcontains $server) {
if (ServerOnline $server) {
write-host "=========================="
write-host "SERVER = " $server
write-host "=========================="
# Get Uptime
$os = gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem -computerName $server
$lastbootuptime = $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LastBootUpTime)
$starttime = $OS.converttodatetime($OS.LastBootUpTime)
$uptime = New-TimeSpan (get-date $Starttime)
$uptime_days = 0
$uptime_days = [int]$uptime.days
write-host "UPTIME = " $uptime_days
# Get Active Sessions
$session_count = 0
#Gives number of active sessions
$sessions = @(get-xasession | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $server} | Where {$_.State -ne "Listening"} | Where {$_.State -ne "Disconnected"} | Where {$_.SessionName -ne "Console"} | Where {$_.LogOnTime -gt $tminus_maxactive} | group AccountName) # Create a query against server passed through as first variable where protocol is Ica. Disregard disconnected or listening sessions
foreach ($session in $sessions)
write-host "SESSIONS = " $session_count
# Reboot if over the threshold and there are no active sessions
if ($uptime_days -ge $REBOOTTHRESHOLD -and $session_count -eq 0) {
write-host "REBOOT = YES"
$EventLog.WriteEntry("Initiating reboot process on " + $server + " Uptime Days = " + $uptime_days + " Active Sessions = " + $session_count + ".","Information","911")
StartReboot $server # Initialize the StartReboot function
} else {
write-host "REBOOT = NO"