In this post I will share a short bit of PowerShell to discover empty, used Active Director groups.
This post will be short and to the point!
Before you can use the Active Directory Cmdlets you will either need the to install the RSAT tools or run the below PowerShell on on Domain Controller. Y
ou can read more about Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell here
The Script
Amend the Export-Csv path as required.
Import-Module activedirectory
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties Members | Where {-not $_.members} | select Name | Export-Csv D:\EmptyADGroups.csv –NoTypeInformation
As you can see the script is very short, it simply finds all groups with no members and exports to the CSV file, D:\EmptyADGroups.csv in this example but change that path as required.
If you wanted to check the members of a particular group you could use
Get-ADGroup '<group name>' | Get-Member
Alternative VBS Method
If you would prefer to use VBS take a look at the below link for an alternative method.