Problem – Failed to install hcmon driver:
While trying to install VMware’s VMRC on Microsoft Windows 10 the installation fails with error “Failed to install hcmon driver”
In my case I was trying to install VMRC version 7.0.1-2508353

The solution that resolved the error for me was to run the installer with elevated privileges.
- Open a command prompt as administrator.
- Launch the installer from the elevated command prompt.

Thanks! That was my problem
Glad it helped.
That’s sorted it for me too, thanks. Even VMware devs are sometimes too lazy to check their work. Installer should request elevated privileges itself.
Great, it helped me too
Worked for me! Thanks!
Thanks!!!! ^^
Another thanks, this fixed my issue.
Perfect! It’s work!
Worked for me. Thank you very much!
Worked great!! Thanks
This problem was so annoying and these steps were so simple and worked very well! Thanks so much!
Dude, you are a life saver. I have been struggling with it for the past few days.
no it is not working for me
Thanks, it worked !
why don’t you use rught click on MSI file and choose “run as administrator”? isn’t it thw same?
for me it didn’t work neither through command line no through context menu
MSI’s don’t give you the option to run as administrator on the context menu. You can add the functionality using steps similar to the below however I normal just do it via a administrator CMD.
If you get the MSI installer to create a log file does it show anything interesting
msiexec /i “C:\Path\Installer.msi” /L*V “C:\log\example.log”
Thank you Man solved my Issue
tnks …solution is very good …
Your solution solve my hard problem in few minutes. Without this part in my vm didn`t work bridget connection, and I can`t finished my job in time. Thank you!
i am getting the same error
Nice. Worked for me. Thank you.
it did not worked for me on windows 10 build 1607
it may help someone else :
my user is in administrator group and as a workaround i switched user (ctrl-alt del -> switch user and choosed administrator)
and then i ran the msi as administrator and it installed properly.
i did not had to uninstall anything (except vmware integration client 6.0 but i am not sure if it is relevant to this issue)